Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Jesus paid it all

He has risen indeed. When he said it is finished, he meant it!  No longer do we need to worry about living right.  When we receive Christ into our lives and place our trust in Him, we are forever kept righteous by his grace. When we repent and turn to him for our salvation, he gives us His Spirit who dwells in us.

He has forgiven us once and only once. Our sins of the past, present and future, we're taken care of when he died in our place.  The cross has no power in by itself, only the power of Christ over death gives him authority to forgive us.

Christian stop asking for forgiveness!  But when we sin we have a advocate (1 John 2:1). As Christians we will sin, and feel remorse. This gives us a overwhelming urge to repent and turn our eyes back to Jesus. (Spirit at work within us). Remember who you are in Christ!

Let us not place the cross over the work of Christ!  Place your eyes on Jesus!  Don't nail them to the cross, Don't make it a trophy which at last you'll trade in for a crown.  Fix your eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. The cross is an object, Jesus is the author of our salvation!

Jesus suffered and died a death, he did not deserve.  Jesus never sinned.  Jesus did not need to be "born again". And certainly did not descend into Hell!  If we try to live a righteous life we insult the work Jesus already did for us. There is nothing you or I can do to earn favor. He paid the ransom for you and I.

Thank God for forgiving us!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Praise God for people who have a passion for Christ. How true that we have the freedom and grace to live our lives for the glory of God!  Our standing with God is secure spiritually and no amount of good works can add to that standing. Knowing Christ is only possible by Christ living in us. We can not simply know Christ on our own. Even satan knows and believes who God is, and yet he is still at war with God. It is when we are drawn by the Holy Spirit and we have received, and allowed Christ into our lives that we truly know him. When this occurs we can know that we are Christians by our love one to another.  The greatest commandment of all, is that we Love the Lord our God, and the second greatest command is to love one another.  I think that we always need to be careful, like Paul in Galatians says, that we examine ourselves. It is true that no works will save us, and works are like filthy rags in comparison to his grace and Love for us, but we will by the empowering of the holy spirit produce good works.  If we have no fruit, then the question we should be asking is "Are we branches that are attached to the true vine"? Faith without Works is Dead.  You cannot show faith to non believers without works. Same way with your spirit. Your spirit is only visible to others by your body. Eg.breathing,moving arms etc.  Jesus said that we were going to be his witnesses,  We need our earthly bodies to actually be a witness to non believers.  The bible teaches us how to live, act,treat others,what to stay away from etc.  These are all "works of service".  Is this what saves me?  Of course not, but because I love my God so much and the Holy Spirit is continually working its work in me it moves me to good works. 

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1 Peter 2:24 “who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree.”
If Jesus literally became sin, then his death would seem to have been Just. This goes against all of basic Christian theology. His death would have been deserved!  
Sin is committed by a individual by personal choice. A person cannot be "sinful" by the act of another (Ezek. 18:20)
1 Peter 1:18-19 (NIV). Peter uses the words, "with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect".
Jesus bore our sins in his body as a sacrificial substitute for us. The term sin offering is used numerous times in the OT. In the Hebrew bible this term is simply translated as sin. Jesus became the sin offering for us. This is the sacrificial system in the Old Testament where the Lamb was offered as a substitute to atone for our sins. The Lamb did not bear our sins itself (It was symbolic), but the shed blood of the lamb was offered as a sacrifice for atonement. The Priest laid his hands on the lamb to impute (PUT) our sins onto the lamb (symbolically) and by the shed blood of the lamb, the righteousness of Christ was imputed (CREDITED) to us.
Hebrews 9:26 “He hath appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.” 
Hebrews 9:28 “Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many.” (Sin offering)
1 John 3:5 “He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin.”
This says that even though he took away our sins by way of his blood sacrifice for us, there was in Himself no sin. The sacrifice under the law had to be perfect, without spot or blemish, and of course he is God!
Psalms 22:1. My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me. Just before Jesus died Jesus is pointed to the scriptures to validate his mission. Psalms 22 was written a 1000 years before Jesus was crucified, before crucifixion was even practiced. Later in the chapter, we see a very detailed image of what Jesus would endure. He suffered horrifically and he still used scripture to show us his fulfilled mission. 

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"Therefore, being surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses. let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race that is marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, and so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." (Hebrews 12:1-3)

I thought I would share some things that we can learn from this verse. We have all read this countless of times but do we really understand the lesson the Hebrews writer wanted to present. 

Something that is becoming more and more apparent about today's church - today's Christian - is that we are great sprinters, but we are lousy marathoners. Those of you who have watched the movie fast and the furious, our lives are becoming just that. We do no pace ourselves. It is amazing how quickly our enthusiasm leaves us. It is astonishing how fast we grow tired of things. It is astounding how quickly we grow weary of our ministries.

 There is only one race that God has marked out for us - holiness. All through scripture God has always taught us to be Holy as he is Holy. The writer of Hebrews compares our Christian life as that of a marathon. This is not a sprint. 

The bible is full of examples of godly men and women who persevered.  "We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses". Consider Joseph who was sold by his brothers into slavery and waited for God's will in his life to work itself out. or the apostles who persevered. The apostle Paul put it bluntly when he said "follow my example". 1 Corinthians 11:1. This cloud of witnesses who have completed the race are examples that all shout out with us "keep running you can make it". 

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, who could have sprinted his way back to Heaven, but his life was far more than a quick fix for our lives. Why do we feel that we should be able to pray ourselves into a life of comfort,wealth,and health?  

So what causes us to loose focus. The writer says to throw of everything that hinders us.  The hinderances he is talking about may not just be sinful things. There may be a relationship, a hobby, a type of music, a type of literature, a form of entertainment, an activity, a habit, that in and of itself is not immoral, but is clearly a hindrance to running the race marked out for God's people. We must "throw off" such things!  The marathoner the writer compares us to stripped down or got naked to run the race. 

What sin entangles us. The sin here in this verse is central in all of us. It's the sin, that entangles all of us. We all struggle with this sin. It's the sin of wanting to run the race the way we want to run it.  Not yielding to what God wants us to do. We want things done fast furious and as easily as possible so we can get back to sitting on our couch. We want to gain the pleasures of the world, and not make the sacrifice.  We want to loose weight, but not work to make that happen. 

 "What does a man profit if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?" We are talking about being marathoners in holiness. Is there anything more important than this?!

So when can we stop running this race?  When God says so!  

Did you know that there is only one place in the New Testament where Jesus is revealed standing in the heavenly realm. Every place but this one, He is described as "seated at the right hand of the Father". But, in this one place He is standing. The occasion is Stephen's stoning recorded in the book of Acts; "Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God" (Acts 7:55). Its as if Jesus stood to catch Stephen, hug him and say, "Stephen, you can stop running now. You've finished the race. Victoriously!"

Good marathoners fix their eyes on the finish line and don't stop running until they reach it. Therefore, let us learn from the witnesses, throw off everything that hinders, be done with the sin that so easily entangles, fix our eyes on Jesus (the finish line), and run until He stands to catch us and says, "Okay, stop running now; You've finished the race. Enter into my rest."

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Monday, January 14, 2013

The New Testament does not condemn the use of medicine. We are correct when we say we should pray for healing. This is our God given strength and power that is available to us by the power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives. I also strongly believe we are not to test The Lord our God. Let me explain. We do not limit God with his sovereign right to heal or not to heal by taking medicine. If we neglect our bodies we can reasonably expect sickness.  God has given us minds to use and by giving God all the glory, we should do everything in our capacity to work on our health. Having said this, It is very important to understand that all this is only a benefit if God in his infinite wisdom agrees with us. How do we agree with him?  By fervent Prayer!  Allowing God to work in our lives, and giving him all the glory. If we stand in front of a bus, we will get run over.........laws of consequence. Taking bad advise by a doctor can cause adverse consequences. Consider what happened after Jesus' deciples saw the transfiguration.  Later when they went down from the mountain the other deciples couldn't figure out why they were not able to remove a evil spirit from a boy. Jesus scolded them and told them that "this kind can only come out by prayer". His followers perhaps started taking their power for granted. Jesus had to remind them that it was still Jesus doing the healing.

I want to share Five examples from the New Testament where I feel medicine is approved. Firstly, "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick." (Matthew 9:12) A physician is a man trained in the science and study of diseases and the ways to treat or cure them.  Why would Jesus use this example, when he was opposed to medicine?  Secondly, "But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, and went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.  Jesus told this parable in Luke chapter 10. Why did Jesus use this story about a man taking care of a person using "medicine" to illustrate a point?  Thirdly, There is also the instance of what Jesus did to restore sight to a man who was born blind. Christ could just utter a word and the sick person would be healed instantly but on this occasion, what did he do?  He used dirt and mixed it with his spit and applied it to the man's eyes. Then told him to go wash in the pool. John chapter 9. Fourthly Luke was a physician according to Colossians 4:14. And then lastly when Timothy had stomach trouble, Paul tells him not to be content with prayer alone, but to take some wine for his stomach. 1 Timothy 5:23.

In all these cases Jesus could have taught us to simply pray and be healed, but he did not. God wants us to Pray for healing and do what we can with our God given gifts.