Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Morning of?

We have been married 25 years, and so on this trip we might try to understand why this all happened! (my quote of the day)

It is 7:30 am local time here in Billings,mt. Gaylene and myself are only ones up. Obviously right? When would someone under 21 get up any time other than to go to work or school? Yesterday was a travel day, but we got to enjoy the late afternoon and evening. We had a wonderful supper at Texas Roadhouse for steak. After buying some pepper spray and throwing knives we relaxed in the HOT (if ours is 104 than this one ways 110!) tub.

This morning we travel about 4 hours and will spend next two and half in yellowstone, or until we want to leave.

Just to clarify, the number 2 highway near minot north dakota was under water so we followed another car onto a gravel road and eventually to a paved highway, but only by gps were able to navigate back to our route. During this time we needed to "back track" about 10 miles as at 6:30 in the morning no one is up, never mind mind manning gas stations in a tiny hillbilly town.

1 comment:

Christine said...

So when you said "we are cooking", you meant you were hot, not that you were "cooking supper" in the heat. I thought for a sec you guys were bbqing on the road or something. Have fun getting a facial at the hot springs in Yellowstone.