Thursday, July 28, 2011

In Season and Out of Season (the big visit)

In 2 Timothy 4:2, are instructed to be ready in all circumstances to stand up for what we believe.  Some of us have deceived ourselves into thinking that "others" will do the work that needs to be done.  I have been thinking about this over the last few days, and felt I would put my thoughts on paper so to speak.  We must understand firstly that all Scipture is for all believers.  I do not feel that certain people need to read certain passages because of who they are.  Pastors,Deacons,Wives, and Husbands come to mind.  It is true that the Bible speaks to specific people, but still relates to all people. For Example: Wives submitting to husbands.  Husbands need to submit to the authority of God, as the Church is in submission to Christ. 
To be honest I have been struggling with this as I am all to aware, of the dangers of feeling a need to do something to validate our standing with God. If I am really saved by Grace only, and not by what I do, then how do I avoid the sense of guilt for not doing what we think we need to do? 
Last week, I had the opportunity to come face to face with a JW.  Yes a Witness at my door!  The wheels started turning and since we had company over, my first response was to ignore them and hoped they would go away.  However after collecting my thoughts, they were exposed to their many and I must say MANY errors to their cult.  After they thanked me for my time and left with questions they could not answer, I realized what had happend.  This happens to all of us, when we submit our wills to God.  To always be ready to respond in all circumstances.  It is not of the Spirit to guilt ourselves into doing something, which rarely works, but when we allow the Spirit to work through us in his time, we can actually respond to 2 Timothy 4:2-3.

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