Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Back, but never recovered

There are three things in life you never get back.  Time, Words and Opportunity.  I am back at home, to the daily routine and scheduling of our lifestyles.  In a effort to come up with some great reasons as to why we do the things we do, and reason number 6 why Gaylene and myself are still married, these three treasures I have held on to.  Time never turns back.  We can never replace our years we have, and so I try to make every effort to make Time count.  Always looking ahead on the ultimate goal and striving to make a difference in someone's life. Time passes us bye whether we use it or miss it.  Words like Time can never be taken back.  A Rough word to someone or maybe your spouse that makes them angry or hurt, can never be taken back. Words mend, bond and build relationships, Words also tear down, erode and seperate. My choice but in either case, Words can not be taken back.  Opportunities come and they go.  When you miss the boarding time of your flight, this opportunity is gone. So many times I have used the saying, If I had only done this... or if I had only said that.  If only I had made a different choice I would have done better. 
Gaylene and I are still married, in large by a conscience choice to make these three things work for our marriage.  Time,Words, and Opportunity.

Good to be Home!

1 comment:

Christine said...

well said Dale, it was a pleasure to follow this journey that your family was on, amazing insight, funny observations, and terrific pictures, please continue your thoughts here, people are reading