Monday, May 7, 2012

Who are You?

Therefore let us encourage one another daily (Hebrews 3:13). Struggling with our sinful nature can be overwhelming unless we understand where the true source comes from. How do we “live by the Spirit”, and not just according to our emotions? Many Christians mistake the work of the Holy Spirit as works of the Flesh (good works), coming from the soul. Others mistake conviction of sin as coming from the Holy Spirit and do not recognize the work of Satan in our lives (condemnation). It is important we understand that we are made up of three parts, Body Soul and Spirit. Our body contains the soul, and the Spirit. Our Body will eventually die. Our Soul contains our emotions, such as when we are happy or sad. Much of our pleasure and or feelings that we feel every day, come from the soul. It is from within the soul that we make decisions to either live by the flesh, or live by the Spirit. Living by the Flesh is a selfish way of life that looks to us for fulfillment in life. Out of the Flesh come all kinds of Sin. 1 John 2:16. This is our Sinful Nature. Alternately we can live by the Spirit, as in Galatians 5:16, so I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. As new creations we are meant to live from the core of our being, (our human spirit), where the Holy Spirit dwells. If we choose to set our minds on how God views us, as Righteous, then this will always bring the result of good works. We will be known as Christians by the fruits we produce (fruits of the spirit). If we allow our soul to choose the way of the Flesh, then we are acting like someone we are not. The Holy Spirit will convince us of our Righteousness, and show us who we really are. Discerning the difference between spirit and soul is important so we can better understand our standing with Christ. Our inner spirit remains Righteous in spite of our shortcomings. Remember that we are one with Christ and safely hidden in Christ (Colossians 3:3) in this state it is possible to still “Grow” and remain Righteous in Christ. (2Cor 5:21, Hebrews 10:4) and we are seated in Heaven (Eph. 2:6) so whether are soul is reflecting the flesh or reflecting the spirit, we are right with God in Spirit.

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