So what I am about to share may offend some of you or cause some of you to even dislike me. I have decided to lay it out here for the benefit of a few who might through their blindness figure out that it may not be too late. I have noticed by being on facebook for a while that there are those who think it is no big deal to beat their wives! What kind of man are you? Those of you that put sports, alcohol, and sex above your wife. Some of you have not felt the touch of your wife in years, but indulge in partying with a picture, or lusting after women your not man enough to keep, or hang on to. Money will not keep her, and flowers stink from a source whose mind is in the gutter. What kind of man are you, you who would rather wait for his wife to become more like him, than realize she is a gift from God and it is he who needs to change. What kind of woman will stay with a man whose favorite pastime is self worship. What kind of women can look at your Facebook account and with pride say, this is my husband! Let me fill you in. It was a privilege for you for your wife to say "I Do". And you the one dating your girlfriend, who made you God? You're nothing! How dare you degrade a woman with your disgusting actions at so called "socials". Getting drunk and being a star at your own party! Shame on you! What gives you the right to sleep with her, when your not even married?
Before you respond in your own selfish little world you live in, let me say a few more words. It might not be too late. Not that you deserve a second chance, but get this straight! Your wife,girlfriend or any thing else you call her, deserves your Love. Stop living for yourself and start living for her! She wants you, not your Castle you can build. She wants someone who places her above any thing else. Give up your own selfish desires! And if your fortunate enough to live another day, she might just stay! And You, yes you who thinks your man enough to sleep with her and she's not even yours, if you want her then move out! Maybe she will find some hint of a man from how he lives, not who he wants her to be.
Before you go on crying about how bad I am, and what right I have to post this, listen to this! The same right you have showing yourself as the real person you are and the women you beat.
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