Wednesday, March 11, 2009

keep things simple

Two more weeks before we head for SanFransico and Fresno Ca. We have been looking forward to this in a while now and have come to terms with Jayms' hockey. He will miss out on the Regional tournament but is very much looking forward to playing on a extended roster team when we get back. He will be playing in what should be a very good hockey team. His winter team is winding up with Finals starting on the weekend. This will be our teams biggest challenge of the season, playing Arborg. We are the only team that has tied them this year and so anything is possible. Spring is approching and with that our oldest daughter is in the verge of graduation. We are so proud of her. Aaryn has already worked a few days at the hotel in Hecla. She will be working there until she starts her 5 year University term in Education. Adison and I of course are enjoying the snowmobile. I have had some really good times going for rides. Last weekend we headed up to Biscuit harbour and had lunch before heading back. At work I've had great times learning from someone who has amazing knowledge of the bible which has really stretched my thinking and attitude of how important our lives are here in this world. I want to share some thoughts on


As human beings we must remind ourselves that there is only one real and true Gospel. This is the Gospel that presents itself by Paul the opostle. I am writing this with opinions from a writer by the name of victor Reimer. So if I say things you have read maybe you have. (March 3rd messenger). God of the Bible is perfectly innocent and he rightly demands that we be perfectly innocent. We are all guilty of missing this mark and God calls this Sin. I want to assure you that in God's court we all are found guilty of sin and deserve death, "for the wages of sin is death"
Romans 6:23 God is compassionate and so he sent his son to earth to pay for our sins. If you were found guilty of a crime in a court of Law, you would face judgement. No Judge that is a just Judge could release you. We would not expect a Judge to release a killer just because he promised not to do it again. And so God sent his son down to this world to pay for our sins. The innocent dying for the guilty so the guilty may go free. If you were guilty of a crime and someone offered to pay the price and do the time on your behalf, would you say no? If you refused this YOU would do the time. Keeping it Simple. It really is. There is nothing we can add or do to the work of Christ. We must simply be convinced and Beleive that Jesus paid our debt and that we are saved. To preach that we must somehow remain innocent before God after we are saved is of another Gospel. We are made innocent not by our own doing (I am a good person and do charity) but only by the one time sacrifice of christ. About 80 times in the new testament we are told that is all we need to do to be saved from eternal punishment,(you might have heard about it "HELL"). For God so loved the world that he gave his own begotten Son, that whosoever beleives in him shall not perish but have eternal life. That's it "KEEP IT SIMPLE"

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