Wow how time flies! Sitting this morning having my coffee at 7:45. Why? Adison and Aaryn are off to Tuelon for volleyball. Gaylene's with them. I get to stay home and do some prep work for the turkey injecting day on monday. In the afternoon I get to start our hockey winter with taking Jayms to a camp in Arborg. I sure hope his skates will work one more time as we have not been able to get new skates yet. I'd like to hear some feedback on the way our hockey year will go, or is going to go this year. Are we really heading into a era of "I can do whatever I want".

What's the point of authority? I really feel for people who have been given resposibility and then get ignored. This is a real problem in today's society. As long as we as parents don't teach our children what's right and repect authority this is the kind of child we will raise. What happenes when they grow up? Scary eh!
We have so much to be thankful for! Gaylene and I have been blessed with so much. When I see the negative in the world today, I think it's important to pull out all the good that still happens. We as a nation just viewed Thanksgiving weekend. Does this just spell holiday or do we really take the time to be thankful.
Gaylene and I stayed overnight at the victoria with our kids Sunday night to Monday. We held Thanksgiving at Rick and Paula's in Steinbach on Sunday. It's always good to still be able to get the family together even for a short time. Rick is still painting far as I can tell. We don't see much of each other so the short time on Sunday was a great time. (even if I still always loose in table hockey). On Gaylene's side David and Lenora were out again. They flew in from Fresno,CA to be with Mom when she was having open heart surgery. This did not happen so we just had a good visit. I'm not sure if they will do that again. Get's expensive trying to guess when medical stuff will happen. Mom is on the list and could be taken in at any time. Yes pray for this serious operation.
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