It appears that there is a alternative to Tim Hortans when it comes to coffee. I ended up going to Niverville today for some barn parts. Lines of cars and people waiting for their precious cup of coffee. Why do we humans mass together in such large numbers? I decided I could wait as time was a bit on the short side. As I got to the end of the French street heading out to #59 hwy(Lashamodeer) or whatever, I spotted the alternative. Why do we feel the urge to do what every body else is doing? The right way is not the most popular way. I can only imagine how many times God thinks to himself, Why are my people doing what they are doing? I stopped for coffee.
When I got to Niverville I shopped in a Man's store. No woman in sight! Barn stuff. As my cart is getting full I realized something. Everything in my cart was a part that had it's own purpose.
Things that work in conjunction with other parts connected to it. Parts that did not somehow drop from the sky blow up and become unique parts.
Jayms came with me today. We were shopping for skates for his upcoming hockey season. Fastest pair of skates I've ever bought! Almost late for my dentist appointment. Dr. Friesen gave me a quick lesson on dentistry. I'm happy he was the dentist not my imagination which always gets carried away about how things might turn out. Tools of the trade that can cause so much pain if not used correctly. All is well I have my two new fillings. Jayms has his skakes and we headed home. Tonight the youth are off to the city car hunting or something like that. Gaylene was choicen to be a driver. That makes Jayms and I home alone. Live on the farm has slowed a bit now. We are still looking for workers come mid November. so if you know any one please let us know. We are also looking for a house to rent.
I'll conclude here by my thought of the day. We did not come to be by a accident. We were chosen and created by a God. Like parts that have a specific purpose we too have a purpose in life. And like parts that need other parts to be of use, we too need each other. Ever notice how many things come with manuals? Why do we think we know how to live without our manual. The Bible. We don't need to aimlessly wander the earth like millions following each other to"Tims". There is a alternative to this madness. Robins Donuts!