Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Jesus paid it all

He has risen indeed. When he said it is finished, he meant it!  No longer do we need to worry about living right.  When we receive Christ into our lives and place our trust in Him, we are forever kept righteous by his grace. When we repent and turn to him for our salvation, he gives us His Spirit who dwells in us.

He has forgiven us once and only once. Our sins of the past, present and future, we're taken care of when he died in our place.  The cross has no power in by itself, only the power of Christ over death gives him authority to forgive us.

Christian stop asking for forgiveness!  But when we sin we have a advocate (1 John 2:1). As Christians we will sin, and feel remorse. This gives us a overwhelming urge to repent and turn our eyes back to Jesus. (Spirit at work within us). Remember who you are in Christ!

Let us not place the cross over the work of Christ!  Place your eyes on Jesus!  Don't nail them to the cross, Don't make it a trophy which at last you'll trade in for a crown.  Fix your eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. The cross is an object, Jesus is the author of our salvation!

Jesus suffered and died a death, he did not deserve.  Jesus never sinned.  Jesus did not need to be "born again". And certainly did not descend into Hell!  If we try to live a righteous life we insult the work Jesus already did for us. There is nothing you or I can do to earn favor. He paid the ransom for you and I.

Thank God for forgiving us!