The New Testament does not condemn the use of medicine. We are correct when we say we should pray for healing. This is our God given strength and power that is available to us by the power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives. I also strongly believe we are not to test The Lord our God. Let me explain. We do not limit God with his sovereign right to heal or not to heal by taking medicine. If we neglect our bodies we can reasonably expect sickness. God has given us minds to use and by giving God all the glory, we should do everything in our capacity to work on our health. Having said this, It is very important to understand that all this is only a benefit if God in his infinite wisdom agrees with us. How do we agree with him? By fervent Prayer! Allowing God to work in our lives, and giving him all the glory. If we stand in front of a bus, we will get run over.........laws of consequence. Taking bad advise by a doctor can cause adverse consequences. Consider what happened after Jesus' deciples saw the transfiguration. Later when they went down from the mountain the other deciples couldn't figure out why they were not able to remove a evil spirit from a boy. Jesus scolded them and told them that "this kind can only come out by prayer". His followers perhaps started taking their power for granted. Jesus had to remind them that it was still Jesus doing the healing.
I want to share Five examples from the New Testament where I feel medicine is approved. Firstly, "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick." (Matthew 9:12) A physician is a man trained in the science and study of diseases and the ways to treat or cure them. Why would Jesus use this example, when he was opposed to medicine? Secondly, "But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, and went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. Jesus told this parable in Luke chapter 10. Why did Jesus use this story about a man taking care of a person using "medicine" to illustrate a point? Thirdly, There is also the instance of what Jesus did to restore sight to a man who was born blind. Christ could just utter a word and the sick person would be healed instantly but on this occasion, what did he do? He used dirt and mixed it with his spit and applied it to the man's eyes. Then told him to go wash in the pool. John chapter 9. Fourthly Luke was a physician according to Colossians 4:14. And then lastly when Timothy had stomach trouble, Paul tells him not to be content with prayer alone, but to take some wine for his stomach. 1 Timothy 5:23.
In all these cases Jesus could have taught us to simply pray and be healed, but he did not. God wants us to Pray for healing and do what we can with our God given gifts.