Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ever wonder where time goes? It has been a while since my last posting. I figured i would fill myself in. Aaryn has a couple of exams to write and then she will have completed first year of Education. Wow where did the time go? She has had a great year and has learned alot of life skills living on her own in an apartment with her cousin. Gaylene and I have been blessed with a great daughter who has taken this experience very seriously. Aaryn has taken a job in Gimli at a restaurant called Masks in fine dining. She will live with us at home more the most part. We decided to keep the apartment in winnipeg as this location is perfect for her. Gaylene and I are hoping to find a place for our trailer near Gimli where she could possible stay. Jayms is done with hockey after a great experience at Directors cup. God has blessed us with a great kid who has a great attitude dispite the frustration of not growing as fast as other kids. He will be just fine. We all have areas and parts of us we do not like. God made us this way. And Adison, what can I say, doing well in school and looking to buy a car..... has a interest in mechanics and farming maybe in his future???? What the power of prayer can do. It is so important to remain faithfull to God in Prayer and trust God for direction and support. I have been doing some thinking on the Holy Spirit. Wow how amazing. What contentment when we can accept that his work through us is not limited to our efforts. When we are in tune with his will our actions will reflect his will and thus our lives become more Christlike. Of course if your Dale we do make mistakes and the Spirit lets us know. I think the greatest harm we can do to our selves is living contrary to his teaching. I want to encourge myself by accepting others for who they are and always forgive others as I know I have been forgiven. Man what a sad way to live when we cannot forgive or accept others. The great freedom and peace we can experience by resting in God's Grace. But this Grace is only available to us by giving ourselves away to others.

I am looking forward to this summer. Stephanie's boyfriend lost his job in Hecla and he could very easily be bitter about his employers. He is going to stay with us for the time being and so Adison and Jayms now have a big brother so to speak. hahaha
Neat to see them happy. We always tell them....Whether you think or not think or do not do what you know is right, your opinion does not matter....fact is still fact. They will choose to live for God or against God. Whether they think the earth is flat and not round???? Does not matter what we think.... God still wants a relationship with us. It is always our goal to teach them that we are responsible for our actions and not let others who disappoint us tear us down.