Oh yeh, bring it on. Our accountant is in my office today. I will be spending 4-5 hrs doing final year end filing for bayshore farms Inc. Almost like a Dentist visit. Always think it will hurt, usually not, sometimes does, and always fearful. Gaylene is out in town, and Adison is helping out in the barn today. Our Anniversary was this last weekend we'd all like to have over again, so maybe we'll do something tonight.
Short and to the point.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
God Knows this heart of mine, he feels this pain inside
Tait, a musical band plays this song, that says that he understands how we feel. We ask ourselves why? If he knows how we feel, why the pain. I wish he could just make this go away. We are his creation, created in his own image. I can't begin to understand the pain Roger,Anita,Beth,Tyrone,and Nathan are feeling. I can only image using my family as an example. This is enough.
Received a normal phone call from Aaryn stating she was on her way home from work,(Hecla) this same night. A little later another call around 11:30. She had to stop and replace a fuse in the fuse box so her wipers could work.(Our wipers stay on 24/7 with the fuse in). She stated it was scary in the dark and wanted me to stay on the line. I did, but the phone lost signal. I realize now how ironic, and also symbolic this was. In an instant we loose contact. Aaryn was o-kay, she got home.
And he said "Come to me all ye that are weary, and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Mathew 11:28,29
Received a normal phone call from Aaryn stating she was on her way home from work,(Hecla) this same night. A little later another call around 11:30. She had to stop and replace a fuse in the fuse box so her wipers could work.(Our wipers stay on 24/7 with the fuse in). She stated it was scary in the dark and wanted me to stay on the line. I did, but the phone lost signal. I realize now how ironic, and also symbolic this was. In an instant we loose contact. Aaryn was o-kay, she got home.
And he said "Come to me all ye that are weary, and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Mathew 11:28,29
Saturday, July 26, 2008
As a couple of day have gone by I've had some time to think about the sudden passing of a young person with so much of life and potential awaiting her. I still need more time to fully realize what has happened. My heart goes out to Rodger and Anita and their family. Our prayers and thoughts are constantly with them.
.........Need more time God.....
.........Need more time God.....
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
To be right with God you can't be on wrong side of road or you will get hurt

I found this image as I was going through our 3500 pictures on the hard drive. We need to organize these files a bit but it's becoming a bigger job as we keep adding files. Good thing we have backed up files on external hard drive. Does any one know how to restore these files to their respectful albums should my computer crash?? They are all saved by date but not by how they are organized in my software program. If I get more than Gaylene reading these posts maybe someone else might have a answer. Do we all struggle with this or am I the only one. Might be better to have hard copies in shoe boxes??
So often I think I am on the right road, but if I'm collecting junk along the way and move to the side of the road I could get hurt. I've been using http://www.wayofthemaster.com/ and http://www.wayoftheradio.com/ for a lot of help keeping focused on staying on God's side of the road.
Raining because it needs to
Gaylene surprised me by coming home tonight. After the rain started the temptations to be negative started settling in. Baseball was cancelled tonight only because Travis called it off due to the fact we did not want to play in the rain. He was asked if it concerned us to forfeit the game. Ha! Like my life revolves around having to go down on record as to having lost to some other team I don't even know who they are. We have missed three weeks of baseball due to the weather, so another won't matter. Jayms and Adison both want me to take them golfing. Now there is a activity that has some meaning and purpose. They love to hack around the yard and now think they are good enough to beat me. Ask Dennis if they seem a little over confident since I hold a solid grip on the old score board beating up on him over in Hecla! O-kay that was our second game all summer, and the first one was practice. Not counting the one over at Larson's put on by Camp Arnes. Way to go! Great fundraising! Worthwhile camp!
It's coffee time and off to the sun room to sit with my .177 caliber pellet gun keeping out the cats that we all love to hate. Our kids love them so
It's coffee time and off to the sun room to sit with my .177 caliber pellet gun keeping out the cats that we all love to hate. Our kids love them so
Looking Good
This morning I woke up by the sound of vehicles at 5;30AM. Our AI crew shows up and as most other times that's the alarm for my day to start, at least in my mind as I can't sleep any more. Gaylene did'nt come home last nite so it's quiet this morning. Just Aaryn and myself. After I get in from the barn we'll have coffee. Aaryn works later in the day at the resort in Hecla. It's been awsome to see our kids grow up and take on mature responsibilities. It must take a lot of adapting to go from school to a full time job for the first time. Adison is also starting to realize the benefits of working. He has been very helpful on the farm with days needing extra help, like loading turkeys, picking on weekends and cutting grass. By the way Adison and Jayms are in portage visiting with their cousins. All will be home Thursday. Today I'm reminded by the thought of Life without God. What would I do with no future but growing old and dying. How emty is that? Kind of like no family to look forward to seeing in a few days?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Here we go
Hi to all who may be bored enough to read our story. I'm not sure what will become of this so we will start slowly for know as we don't want to scare any one away so soon. We want to portray to you a image that we are a family that has struggles and victories and hopefully encourage others in their daily walk of life. Life is not a game. We are here for a purpose and only one purpose. God rules in this world and we are either in his plan or not.
Three more days of classes for Gaylene at the U of M and I'll be closer to being in trouble with a councellor who uses me as practice. Three weeks has gone very quickly and we can know soon start planning some family get a way. We are camping this weekend in Gimli! Wow so Far!
Three more days of classes for Gaylene at the U of M and I'll be closer to being in trouble with a councellor who uses me as practice. Three weeks has gone very quickly and we can know soon start planning some family get a way. We are camping this weekend in Gimli! Wow so Far!
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